Workshop General Information

Coastal observations of oceanographic parameters are increasing and spreading, in a context of climate change and human activity threatening coastal areas. High-quality measurements are required to assess long-term changes, and our knowledge of measurement quality and uncertainty should be strengthened. 

Usually instruments are checked and calibrated in metrology facilities, our project aims to establish uncertainties for in-situ observations. A workshop will be organized in Brest, to gather european practices on methods and quantification of uncertainties for in-situ measurements for oceanography (physics, biology and chemistry). Parameters identified so far include:

Salinity - Temperature - Counting Phytoplancton - Dissolved Oxygen - Significant Wave Height - Turbidity - Pressure - Water Level - Cholorophyll A - Nitrates. 

Our 11/2 day workshop will consist of presentations (metrology. measurements, in-situ) and discussion groups around topics such as the different methods for estimating uncertainties, and a dedicated time for feedback and objectives. Following this workshop, the objective is to reach harmonized european best practices, and establish a strategy for JERICO/ILICO.  

This work is part of the JERICO-S3 project Work Package 5 (WP5), Harmonisation of integrated Multiplatform & Multidisciplinary systems; European Project: JERICO-S3 — H2020-INFRAIA-2018-2020 / H2020-INFRAIA-2019-1.


The event will be in Brest, from xx to xx.



1) Figure out European practices on uncertainty estimations for different physical and bio-chemical parameters.

2) Identify best practices, towards a methodology and/or guide for qualifying and quantifying uncertainties.

3) Develop a strategy for uncertainty estimations within JERICO.


Organizing Committee


- Guillaume Charria

- Laurent Delauney

- Felipe Artigas

- Léa Godiveau

- Bastien Tagliana

- Alexandre Allard

- Florence Salvetat

- Lucie Cocquempot


- Marcello Magali

- Rajesh Nair

- Carlo Mantovani


- Julien Mader


- Jukka Seppala


- Manolis Ntoumas


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